
WGA Strike Explained: The Issues, the Stakes, Movies & TV Shows Affected — and How Long the 2023 Work Stoppage Might Last

WGA Strike Explained: The Issues, the Stakes, Movies & TV Shows Affected — and How Long the 2023 Work Stoppage Might Last

The WGA strike started just one minute after its contract with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers expired. The guild confirmed that the strike indeed would happen about three hours prior to the midnight deadline. Following is a primer covering the issues, the parties involved and what’s at stake for the entire industry during the work stoppage.

"We have been fortunate to have made two movies in Maine — The Way We Get By and Beneath The Harvest Sky.” Maine is a very special state in that there are so many options for locations. Given its size, you can travel to northern Maine, southern Maine, all along the coast, and tell a number of different stories in totally unique worlds with each film having very distinctive looks. The abundance of locations combined with the incredible generosity of the people and communities, make filmmaking in Maine a pure joy. We would not be filmmakers today without the support from the people of Maine and we will be forever grateful."

- Gita Pullapilly and Aron Gaudet, The Way We Get By and Beneath the Harvest Sky

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