

Register your production with the Film Office before filming begins in Maine.


Portland, Maine

Rusty Groh
(207) 808-5400 (office)

Acadia National Park

ATTN: Special Use Film Permit Coordinator
20 McFarland Hill Dr
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
(207) 288-8793

Baxter State Park

Kevin Adam
Baxter State Park Director


If you’re filming in any other state park, contact the Maine Film Office at (207) 215-2462 for additional information.

Child Labor Laws

Maine Dept. of Labor
Rachel Bowler
(207) 623-7930

Child actors are exempt from most standard labor laws and hourly restrictions. However, it is expected that the health, well-being and safety of the child will be upheld and all children will be adequately supervised. If a child is working at any time of year, including vacation time, a work permit is required.

Child actors who live in Maine must apply for a work permit from the superintendent of the school district where the minor resides. Child actors who live outside of Maine must apply for a work permit from the superintendent of the school district where the filming will take place. Please allow at least 5 work days to obtain the child’s work permit.

You will need these original supporting documents to apply for a work permit:

  • child’s birth certificate or passport
  • child’s social security number
  • letter of consent from parent or legal guardian
  • letter from child’s school system regarding child’s ability to work and achieve educational standards. (If child is six years old or older)

At the end of the project you are required to cancel the permit. Do this by contacting the Bureau of Labor Standards by phone or mail (Station 45, Augusta, ME 04333 (207) 623-7900). You will need to provide the work permit number and/or the name and social security number of the minor involved.

Additional information can be found on the Maine Department of Labor’s website.

"We have been fortunate to have made two movies in Maine — The Way We Get By and Beneath The Harvest Sky.” Maine is a very special state in that there are so many options for locations. Given its size, you can travel to northern Maine, southern Maine, all along the coast, and tell a number of different stories in totally unique worlds with each film having very distinctive looks. The abundance of locations combined with the incredible generosity of the people and communities, make filmmaking in Maine a pure joy. We would not be filmmakers today without the support from the people of Maine and we will be forever grateful."

- Gita Pullapilly and Aron Gaudet, The Way We Get By and Beneath the Harvest Sky

See all testimonials

"Filming in Maine was a dream, simply because of the people. We came to Maine and found enthusiasm and friendliness. People wanted to help out any way they could and were excited to be a part of something. That sort of thing doesn’t happen in Los Angeles or New York or even Georgia. It’s really beautiful for people to come together to support a large artistic project like this."

- James Khanlarian, Director, The Ghost Trap

See all testimonials

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